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- Bonus #1: Guided Small Group hope*circle
- Bonus #2: Member Directory Listing
- Bonus #3: Writerly Progress Planner (US residents only due to Covid-19 shipping restrictions. International residents will receive a digital bonus.)
- Fast-Action Bonus #1: Writer's Template Kit (expires Sunday, May 23)
- Fast-Action Bonus #2: Engaging Content Bundle (expires Tuesday, May 25)
- Fast-Action Bonus #3: Time to Write Bundle (expires Thursday, May 27)
Lucretia Berry
“I have found hope*writers to be the friendliest face and space in the wilderness of figuring out how to amplify my voice of hope. Somehow hope*writers manages to be both a source of limitless resources and an inclusive community that meets unique and individual needs. Shortly after I became a member, I went from being completely clueless about where to begin in my author/speaker journey to self-publishing a book and giving a TEDx Talk!”
Niki Hardy
“Two years ago I was lost, discouraged and wondering whether to pack it all in. With the teaching, practical help and encouragement I found at hope*writers I've felt understood, believed in and equipped. At hope*writers I’ve found my people. I now have a book deal and I couldn’t have done it without my hope*writers family.”