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How To Start Your Novel Course$29

  • Total payment
  • 1xHow To Start Your Novel Course$29

All prices in USD

How To Start Your Novel includes:

  • Lifetime access to 10 exclusive teachings with well-known novelists who share tips and techniques that actually work. 
  • A digital workbook with writing prompts and questions that correspond with each teaching. 
  • Access to a private Facebook group and a supportive community that will help you make progress. 
  • Live virtual events for Q&As with special guests throughout November.

What novelists are saying:
“After listening to the unbelievably helpful interviews, I have a better sense of what to do before I start writing the novel. The authors answered questions I didn’t know I had, and their answers gave me a sense of what I want to do next. I am less likely to get discouraged having heard what successful writers have done to reach their goals (and how long it has taken them). I feel so much more equipped to do the hard stuff thanks to the resources shared.”
- Alicia Worely Palacios
“The interviews were so ENCOURAGING! Thank you for leading this and coordinating such a great lineup of authors. It was so inspiring to hear how the different authors got started and to hear the challenges they encountered along the way. It can be easy to think they have it all together since they are accomplished, well-known authors, but it was so refreshing hearing them talk about all the work and challenges that went into publishing their books. I also loved the specific questions about writing that helped me understand more of the craft (how to write good openings, character development, first vs. third person, etc.).”
- Erin Bojarzin
